Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Hat I Wore to a Cancer Society Fundraiser Walk

Scala hat, LL Bean monogrammed madras tote
Lilly Pulitzer Adeline dress, Ross-Simons coral necklace and earrings

Last weekend, my 
Italian Greyhound Turbo and I 
participated in Bark For Life 
at Cook Park in Colonie. 

I carried Turbo's water dish and coat
 in my LL Bean Madras tote. 
I chose the pink madras 
and had my LL Bean shop 
add my monogram in green. 
This is a very study tote 
and would also work well as a beach tote
or to carry a picnic or crafting supplies. 

Bark For Life is a fundraiser 
for the American Cancer Society 
that honors the role that pets play 
in the healing process 
after a cancer diagnosis. 

The American Cancer Society's mission 
is to eliminate cancer 
as a major health problem 
by preventing cancer, saving lives, 
and diminishing suffering from cancer 
through research, education, 
advocacy and service.

I wanted to share this photo today 
because it is Mothers' Day 
in the United States. 

I lost my mother to breast cancer 
when I was 19 years old. 

Many people often ask me 
why I wear hats. 
My first real exposure to hats 
was watching my mother decide 
how she wanted to deal with her hair loss 
during her first bout with breast cancer 
when I was in middle school. 

She tried turbans and wigs. 
Putting something on her head 
helped make her feel beautiful 
during a time when 
some very ugly things 
were happening to her body. 

She was still alive!
She would fight cancer
every step of the way. 

I remember my mom 
when I put on a hat 
because they make me feel 
alive and beautiful, too. 

Not Dead Yet Style

Follow Thats a Pretty Hat

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