Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Vintage hat wearer Jessica Cangiano Interview

I would like you to meet my friend Jessica Cangiano. 

Jessica Cangiano vintage hat

She writes the blog Chronically Vintage http://www.chronicallyvintage.com/and is a fellow hat lover. 

"When I wore that hat I remember feeling 
very stylish and mature"

Can you share a story about the first time you wore a hat?

The first distinct memory that I have of wearing a hat was when I was just three years old. Shortly before my fourth birthday, my mom's only sister, Lori, got married and I had the honour of being the couples' flowergirl. My outfit consisted of a cute little pink and white dress and matching straw hat. I loved that hat (and dress) and kept in on a shelf in my childhood bedroom while I was growing up. When I wore that hat I remember feeling very stylish and mature - like the adult ladies in my family and my mother's friends when they'd dress up for formal or important events (this being the 80s, plenty of women still wore hats to parties, on dates, etc).

Though it's showing its age a little, to this day - some twenty-five years later - I still have my first "grownup" hat and love it just as much as I did when I was a youngster (even though it's been far too small for me to wear since I was about nine or ten years old).

Jessica Cangiano first hat

What was your first vintage hat?

My first vintage was a relatively basic black felt bonnet (sans brim) style number that I bought because I really liked it and could see it working well with a huge number of different outfits. Indeed it did - and still does to this day.

vintage hat
 Jessica Cangiano

vintage hat
Jessica Cangiano

"I feel like I'm helping to 
really pull my whole outfit together" 

How does wearing a vintage hat make you feel?

Proper. I know that might seem like an odd adjective to go with, but when I wear a vintage hat I feel like I'm dressing the way that people (both men and women) are supposed to in many situations. The eschewing of hats by both sexes is such a new development in the history of the western world, and clearly one that I've never been on board with. When I wear a vintage hat (or any beautiful, classically styled topper, for that matter) I feel like I'm helping to really pull my whole outfit together and like I'm giving a nod of heartfelt respect to the styles and people that I so admire from the past.

Know a lady who loves to wear hats? 
Please share this blog with her! 

Want to feel inspired to wear hats?
 Follow Thats a Pretty Hat

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