Thursday, September 13, 2012

New York Vintage - Where to buy vintage hats in NYC

Where to shop for vintage hats in NYC

I recently visited New York Vintage
a vintage shop located at 
117 West 25th Street in New York, NY.

I didn't understand the allure of 
buying and wearing ladies vintage hats 
until my friend Megan invited me to visit 
her vintage boutique in NYC. 
I have seen and tried on vintage hats 
from estate collections before, 
but they were always too small for my head. 

I was in vintage hat heaven at New York Vintage
The store has a nice selection of hats 
from several different decades of the 20th century. 

I also got to meet Carlos, who makes hats, 
and try on one of his creations.

Where to buy hats in NYC
 Zara dress, Ross Simons 100 inch string of pearls
Where to buy hat in New York

The most educational hat I tried on 
was from the 1930s. 
It made me feel so different 
than hats from the 'Roaring 20s' - 
it was simple and somber, 
a hat with a clear purpose of covering the head 
and not a fashion statement. 

If you are an absolute hat voyeur, 
I suggest making your way 
to the inside section of the store 
to see their upscale hat collection. 
It's so wonderful they wouldn't even 
let me take a photo of it. 

Just as well, because it really has to be seen 
to be properly enjoyed.
New York Vintage
 Check out more photos of their store at their website:

I did buy a hat at New York Vintage, 
an amazing hat that I will wear this winter. 
A vintage Schiaparelli faux fur hat.
As soon as it snows, I'll post photos of "The Hat." 

Know a lady who loves to wear hats? 
Please share this blog with her!
Want to feel inspired to wear hats?
 Follow Thats a Pretty Hat

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